Our Clients

Variety is the spice

We’ve got a varied and diverse set of skills and experiences at Ripe and we use them to provide services to a wide range of clients.

Our clients pretty much do everything. Designers, producers, solicitors, manufacturers, creative artists, property investors & developers, software technicians, app designers etc.. Whilst not forgetting those in the Not-for-Profit and Charity sectors.

Case Studies

Boss Recruitment


The bank manager of Boss Recruitment, which operates through a number of subsidiaries, was very worried about a lack of financial control and was concerned about the limitations of the incumbent accountant.


Ripe not only got into the nitty gritty of their accounts, but gave guidance and advice on the bookkeeping, VAT returns and produced monthly management accounts, from which the  client understood the need for budgets, which Ripe prepared. Ripe recognised risk areas and addressed them, including advising on shareholders’ agreements and HR issues.


The group established solid foundations from which they were able to grow five-fold with Ripe India taking over more and more of the bookkeeping function and Ripe London becoming trusted advisors.

Clockaudio Limited


When Jim and Tina Hallington were setting up their business in 1994, they were looking for accountants they could relate to, who understood them and their aspirations for their business.


Rob’s father started acting for the client in 1994, with Rob taking over from him in 1998. We have   enjoyed a lengthy and mutually rewarding relationship, helping the company reach its first milestone of £1m and growing from strength to strength, with innovative new products, overseas subsidiaries and sales worldwide.


Jim and Tina know we’re always there for them, looking after all their compliance needs, such as payroll and statutory accounts, as well offering advice on matters ranging from acquisitions and heads of terms, to share buy-backs, pensions and property VAT. They need accountants they can rely on to cover such a wide range of services: and Ripe delivers.

What our Client say